Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Bridging Training Program is specially developed by Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP)

The Bridging Training Program is specially developed by Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) for new operators, technicians and engineers to familiarize them with the petroleum processing plant operation.

The standard Bridging Training Program is a 12-month program which consists of 6 months training at INSTEP Campus and 6 months on-the-job training at various plants. At INSTEP Campus, the trainees will be  learned  to  acquire  knowledge  and  skills  through  classroom  and  workshop   facilitations  using  up-to-date facilities and equipment. Their knowledge and skills will be put into practice by going to the On-the-Job Training (OJT) in real life plant and facilities either operated by PETRONAS Operating Units or joint venture companies. The Bridging Training Program also offered on customized basis, according to our clients’ requirement in terms of syllabus and duration of training

Technical Skills

There are six technical skills, related to the oil and gas industries, offered in the Bridging Training Program:

1. Electrical

The program ensures competency of technician in working principles and function of electrical related equipment and system used in the processing plant. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skill of components and its mechanism on control of electrical equipment.

2. Instrumentation

The instrumentation training program for technician focuses on the competency of maintaining plant instruments such as industrial process measurement, process control system as well as other support devices.

3. Laboratory

The laboratory training program for technician offered to suit the requirement of the analytical laboratory analysis to ensure for the quality control in the processing plants. Trainees are expected to be competent to conduct laboratory tests for the purpose of feed and products characterization, product shipment for the utilities using state-of-the-art equipment.

4. Mechanical

The program aims at equipping trainees with knowledge and skills for the trainees to perform maintenance job for the mechanical equipment at the processing plant. Areas of training include precision fitting and sheet metal, machining and welding, static and rotating equipment, as well as pneumatic and hydraulic system focusing on the preventive maintenance. 

5. Process

The process training program aimed to produce skilled technicians and operators to work in process plant and utility operation. Trainees will be competent in start up, control, monitor and shut down of plant system in safe and efficient manner.

6. Production Operation

The program is designed to produce skilled production field operator by imparting the knowledge on the process and theory associated with field operation. Technician in production operation will be involved in upstream activities both field surface and subsurface production operation.

Kemahiran Teknikal

Terdapat enam kemahiran teknikal , yang berkaitan dengan industri minyak dan gas , yang ditawarkan dalam Bridging Training Program :

1. Elektrik

Program ini memastikan kecekapan juruteknik dalam prinsip-prinsip kerja dan fungsi peralatan yang berkaitan elektrik dan sistem yang digunakan di kilang pemprosesan. Mereka akan dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran komponen dan mekanisme pada kawalan peralatan elektrik.

2. Instrumentasi

Program latihan instrumentasi untuk juruteknik memberi tumpuan kepada kecekapan menyelenggara instrumen tumbuhan seperti pengukuran proses industri, sistem kawalan proses serta alat-alat sokongan yang lain.

3. Makmal

Program latihan makmal untuk juruteknik ditawarkan untuk disesuaikan dengan keperluan analisis makmal analisis untuk memastikan kawalan kualiti di kilang pemprosesan . Pelatih dijangka akan berwibawa untuk menjalankan ujian makmal bagi tujuan makanan dan produk pencirian , penghantaran produk untuk utiliti dengan menggunakan state- of-the -art peralatan.

4. Mekanikal

Program ini bertujuan untuk melengkapkan pelatih dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk pelatih untuk melaksanakan tugas penyelenggaraan bagi peralatan mekanikal di kilang pemprosesan. Bidang latihan termasuk pemasangan ketepatan dan lembaran logam , pemesinan dan kimpalan , peralatan statik dan berputar , dan juga pneumatik dan hidraulik sistem memberi tumpuan kepada penyelenggaraan pencegahan.

5. Proses

Program latihan proses yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan juruteknik mahir dan pengendali untuk bekerja di kilang proses dan operasi utiliti. Pelatih akan menjadi cekap dalam permulaan sehingga , mengawal, memantau dan menutup sistem tumbuhan dengan cara yang selamat dan cekap .

6. Operasi Pengeluaran

Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk melahirkan mahir pengendali bidang pengeluaran dengan menyampaikan pengetahuan tentang proses dan teori yang berkaitan dengan operasi lapangan. Juruteknik dalam operasi pengeluaran akan terlibat dalam aktiviti huluan kedua-dua permukaan lapangan dan operasi pengeluaran sub-permukaan .

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